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'Josh Bradford'
This page is a list of projects, affiliations and information relevant to the career of Josh Bradford

'Walking In The Land Of Wind And Ghost'
Is a directorial debut for Josh. It is a documentary film that follows two friends on a twelve year rock'n'roll journey from the small stages of Southwestern Canada to the perils of Los Angeles and ending on the larger stages of the world. It is a film about following your bliss ... even when you have lost your shoes.

Award winning EDM/Spiralchord recording artist, Stayte has been called "Slayer meets Duran Duran".
Please check out the current news and releases from this veteran ensemble of talent.

'Simple Shelter'
A project too eclectic to classify, this is the experimental/moody and heartfelt side project of Josh Bradford. A touring one man multimedia project that has seen stages from Austria to Puerto Rico.
